All posts in regards to fertility, pregnancy and child birth

The danger of stress during pregnancy

Some stress during pregnancy is normal, just as it is during other times of life. But if stress becomes constant, the effects on you and your baby could be lasting. During pregnancy, stress has specific dangers for the physical and emotional wellbeing of the baby, mother and family unit as a whole.


“A stressful pregnancy matters — it can affect a baby’s genes”


Everyone has heard of postnatal depression, but not everyone knows that mothers are as likely to be depressed during pregnancy as afterward. As well as the distress of the mother herself, this matters because of the effects on the developing baby in her womb. We have long known that how we turn out depends on how our genes interact with our environment. We now know the environment starts before birth. How we develop there can affect our health and wellbeing for the rest of our lives.

The effects of stress

In pregnancy, stress exposure is associated with a higher risk for preterm delivery and lower birth weight. Preterm birth is the major cause of death and disability in children up to the age of five in Australia.

Many pregnant women are anxious or depressed, and this can affect how the baby’s brain develops. This, in turn, leaves the child at greater risk of anxiety, depression, slow learning or behavioral problems such as ADHD later. If the pregnant woman is in the top 15 percent of the population for symptoms of anxiety or depression this doubles the risk of her child having emotional or behavioral problems. The risk of the child at 13 years old having a mental health problem goes from about 6 percent to 12 percent. The children of mothers who reported multiple stressful events during pregnancy are more likely to develop behavioral problems throughout childhood. Studies also show reduced cognitive abilities in children whose mothers experienced a natural disaster while pregnant.

Relationships, especially with the father, matter too. A supportive partner can buffer against these effects, but an unsupportive or abusive one can stress the mother in a way that harms her developing baby.


How does this happen?

What many of us have difficulty conceptualizing is how something that is experienced in the mind can translate into both mental and physical health problems in the child. It’s suggested that experiencing stress results in increased circulation of the stress hormone cortisol, which then crosses the placenta to the fetus, changing the hormonal makeup and compromising fetal development, both neurological and physical. Exposure to elevated cortisol could prepare the developing fetus for a world that the mother perceives as stressful. In this way, outcomes such as behavioral problems might be seen as adaptive.

The changes we see in the child may have been protective in such an environment. More anxiety means greater vigilance and more ability to detect danger. Readily distracted attention, as in ADHD, may have helped to spot the danger more quickly. Rapid aggression may have helped also. But these changes, adaptive in the presence of real danger, are disadvantages in our society.

How to reduce stress during pregnancy

Some ways to reduce stress include utilizing social support, either by spending time with friends or accepting help from those around you to relieve the stress of daily activities. Light exercise, yoga, meditation, and relaxation can all assist in managing stress. While yoga class might be perceived as inaccessible or elitist. Scheduling time to rest and discussing work demands in pregnancy with your employer are other ways to reduce stress.

The good news is that we should be able to do something about all this. At the moment most anxiety, depression, and stress in pregnant women are not detected by health professionals and very little is done to help. Mental health is the most neglected aspect of obstetric care. But it is not difficult either to detect or to help. If we can help the pregnant woman we will be helping the next generation too.

Building resilience in families and children in the face of stress is extremely important, and this is why it’s vital we include stress management strategies into not just pregnancy care, but also the early years of parenting and child development.



The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


10 Signs of Approaching Labor

While there are characteristic changes in the body with impending labor, every woman’s experience is unique and different. “Normal” can vary from woman to woman. The signs and symptoms of normal labor can begin three weeks prior to the anticipated due date up until two weeks afterward, and there is no precise way to predict exactly when a woman will go into labor.

“It’s the event you’ve been happily (and nervously) anticipating for months: Your baby’s birth! “

How will you know when it’s time to grab your hospital bag and get to the delivery room? Thankfully, your body will give you some solid clues.

Here are 10 common signs that labor is near.

  1.  The baby drops

Medically known as “lightening,” this is when the baby “drops.” The baby’s head descends deeper into the pelvis and is getting into position to make his exit. For some women, this occurs up to 2 weeks prior to the beginning of labor; other women may not notice this event at all. In subsequent births, this “lightening” doesn’t often happen until you’re truly in labor.

  1.  An increased urge to urinate

An increased urge to urinate can be a result of the baby’s head dropping into the pelvis. The low position of the baby’s head puts even more pressure on the urinary bladder, so many women approaching labor might feel a frequent need to urinate. As the baby drops, breathing can become easier since there is less pressure on the diaphragm from underneath.

  1. The mucus plug passes  

Passage of the mucus plug is a known sign that labor is near. Thick mucus produced by the cervical glands normally keeps the cervical opening closed during pregnancy. This mucus plug must be expelled before delivery. It can come out in one large piece (it looks similar to the mucus in your nose) or lots of little ones, though you may not get a glimpse of it at all and some women don’t lose it before delivery. Pressure from the baby’s head causes the mucus plug to be expressed from the vagina, sometimes as blood-tinged vaginal discharge (referred to as “bloody show”) and is a good indication that labor is imminent, but without contractions or dilation of three to four centimeters, labor could still be a few days away.

  1. The cervix dilates

Your cervix, too, is starting to prepare for birth. Dilation of the cervix is a sign that labor is approaching, although this is detected by the health-care professional during a pelvic examination. This begins in the days and even weeks prior to the onset of labor; “Fully dilated” means the cervix has dilated to a width of 10 cm. But everyone progresses differently, so don’t be discouraged if you’re dilating slowly or not at all yet.

  1. Thinning of the cervix

In addition to dilation, thinning (effacement) of the cervix also occurs. This occurs in the weeks prior to labor, since a thinned cervix dilates more easily. This sign is also detected by the health-care professional during a pelvic exam.

  1. Back pain

Contractions can often begin in the back and move forward to the pelvis. And some women do experience “back labor,” which is characterized by severe discomfort in the lower back that is most intense during contractions and often painful between contractions.  Women also notice loosening of the joints, particularly in the pelvic area, as the third trimester progresses, in preparation for delivery.

  1. Contractions

It’s inevitable—at some point, you’ll realize that crampy feeling you’re having might be more than just cramps. They’ll change to regular contractions, which indicate your body is beginning the process of a birthing baby. Contractions, which can vary among women and can be described as pounding, tightening, stabbing, or similar to menstrual cramps, increase in strength and frequency as labor approaches.

Irregular contractions, known as Braxton-Hicks contractions or “false labor” occurs toward the end of pregnancy during the third trimester. Braxton-Hicks contractions are usually milder than those of true labor, and they do not occur at regular intervals. The best thing to do? Relax, get comfortable or perhaps take a shower. Time the contractions and head to the hospital or birthing center when they become about five minutes apart.

  1. Burst of energy

Many women describe feeling a sudden burst of energy and excitement in the weeks prior to labor, in contrast to feeling extra tired as is typical of pregnancy. Often referred to as “nesting,” this impulse often is accompanied by a sense of urgency to get things done or make plans for the baby.

  1. Nausea and diarrhea

Just as the muscles in your uterus are relaxing in preparation for birth, so too are other muscles in your body, including those in the rectum. And that can lead to diarrhea, that pesky little labor symptom you may well have experienced at other times during pregnancy. Though annoying, it’s completely normal; stay hydrated and remember it’s a good sign!

  1. Your water breaks

Despite what movies will have us believe, how your water breaks (in other words, how the membranes of the amniotic sac burst) can vary a lot.

If your water breaks and you’re experiencing contractions, this is one of the biggest signs of labor. But if contractions haven’t set in yet, your doctor may want you to wait a few hours before coming in. Rupture of the amniotic membranes, or one’s “water breaking,” usually is a sign that labor has begun. Amniotic fluid should be colorless and odorless. It can sometimes be hard to distinguish from urine, but amniotic fluid does not have an odor.   If you are leaking amniotic fluid, it is essential to contact your health-care professional right away.

Should I Call the Doctor?

It’s not necessarily your due date—that’s just an estimate, and there’s really no telling exactly when the baby will arrive. Keep in mind too that some women may deliver before 37 weeks (which would be considered a preterm birth); others, who go past 41 weeks, may wind up getting induced, depending on your doctor and your hospital’s policies.

If you think you’re going into labor, your practitioner should have advised you on what to do when your contractions become regular: “Call me when they’re coming about five minutes apart for at least an hour,” for example. Contractions won’t all be exactly spaced, but if they are becoming pretty consistent, more painful and longer (usually around 30 to 70 seconds), it’s time to check in with your doc. If you think you might be in labor but aren’t sure, get on the phone; your provider can advise you on what’s going on. Don’t feel embarrassed or worry about calling outside of office hours (your doctor or midwife knew this would happen when she got into the baby-catching business!).

You should always call if:

  • You experience any bleeding or bright-red discharge (not brown or pinkish).
  • Your water breaks — especially if the fluid looks green or brown; this could be a sign that meconium is present (which is your newborn’s first stool; it can be dangerous if your baby ingests it during birth).
  • You experience blurred or double vision, a severe headache, or sudden swelling. These can be symptoms of preeclampsia, which is characterized by pregnancy-induced high blood pressure and requires medical attention.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


Maintaining a Healthy Pregnancy

A woman’s health is essential to the good health of her baby. Now that you know you’re pregnant, it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. You can boost your chances of having a problem-free pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Women who eat well and exercise regularly along with regular prenatal care are less likely to have complications during pregnancy. They’re also more likely to successfully give birth to a healthy baby.



Now that you’re eating for two, you may be surprised to learn that you only need about 300 additional calories per day. Make sure you get plenty of protein. You now need 70 grams a day compared to 45 grams before you got pregnant. And while your calcium requirement remains the same, it’s more important than ever that you meet it, which is a challenge for many women.

Eating a nutritious diet during pregnancy is linked to good fetal brain development, a healthy birth weight, and it reduces the risk of many birth defects.

A balanced diet will also reduce the risks of anemia, as well as other unpleasant pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue and morning sickness. Good nutrition is thought to help balance mood swings and it may improve labor and delivery as well.

  • At least five portions of fruit and vegetables daily. Fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juice all count.
  • Starchy foods (carbohydrates), such as bread, pasta, and rice. Carbohydrates need to make up just over a third of what you eat. Choose whole grain varieties rather than white, so you get plenty of fiber.
  • Daily servings of protein, such as fish, lean meat, eggs, beans, nuts or pulses.
  • Dairy foods, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.
  • Two portions of fish a week, at least one of which should be oily, such as salmon, sardines or mackerel.

Fish is full of protein, vitamin D, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the development of your baby’s nervous system.  If you don’t like fish, you can get omega-3 fatty acids from other foods, such as nuts, seeds, soya products and green leafy vegetables.

Stay well hydrated too. The amount of water in your body increases during pregnancy to help you maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

Weight gain

A simple way to satisfy your nutritional needs during pregnancy is to eat a variety of foods from each of the food groups every day.

Many women are concerned about how much weight they will gain during pregnancy. If your weight was in the normal range before you got pregnant, a weight gain of 25 to 35 pounds is recommended. It’s important to discuss and monitor your weight and nutritional needs with your doctor throughout the pregnancy. Weight gain recommendations will vary for women who are underweight before conceiving, for those who are obese, and for those with multiple pregnancies, such as twins.

What not to eat  

To protect mom and baby from bacteria or parasitic infection, such as Listeriosis, make sure that all milk, cheese, and juice are pasteurized. Don’t eat meat from the deli counter or hot dogs unless they are thoroughly heated. Also avoid refrigerated, smoked seafood and undercooked meat, poultry, and seafood. If you or someone in your family has had a history of allergies, speak to your doctor about any foods to avoid.

Prenatal vitamins  

Most nutrients needed during pregnancy should come from food, but prenatal vitamin supplements play an important role. Pregnant women are often too busy to plan three nutrient-filled meals every day, and a vitamin supplement can provide the extra nutrition that the developing fetus needs.

Folic acid (folate) is a B vitamin that is very important for pregnant women. Folic acid supplements are taken several weeks prior to pregnancy and for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy have been found to lower the risk of having a child with a neural tube defect such as spina bifida.

Most prenatal vitamins contain 1 milligram of folic acid. Talk to your doctor before you start taking prenatal vitamins. They can help you decide which type is best for you.

You also need a daily supplement of 10mcg of vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for the development of your baby’s skeleton and future bone health.

If you’re worried you’re not eating well, or you’re too sick to eat much, you may want to take your folic acid and vitamin D in a multivitamin.


Moderate exercise is not only considered safe for pregnant women, it’s encouraged and thought to benefit both mom and growing baby. Exercising 30 minutes a day is proven to help circulation, strengthen muscles, and decrease stress. However, it’s important to talk to your doctor before starting any exercise regime, particularly if you are in a high-risk category. If you were not physically active before getting pregnant, talk with your doctor about what exercise you can do during your pregnancy.  

For the majority of normal pregnancies, exercise can:

  • increase energy levels
  • improve sleep
  • strengthen muscles and endurance
  • reduce backaches
  • relieve constipation

Aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, and swimming, stimulate the heart and lungs as well as muscle and joint activity, which help to process and utilize oxygen. Aerobic activity also improves circulation and increases muscle tone and strength.

There are many exercise classes designed specifically for pregnant women that help to build strength, improve posture and alignment, and promote better circulation and respiration.

Squatting and Kegel exercises should be added to the exercise routine. Kegel exercises focus on the vaginal and perineal muscles. The exercise is done in the same way a woman stops and starts the flow of urine. The perineal muscle is tightened for a count of three and then the muscle is slowly relaxed. The period of time the muscle is contracted can be increased over time as muscle control becomes easier. Relaxing the perineal muscles can help during the birth of the baby. Kegel exercises are thought to help women maintain good muscle tone and control in the perineal area, which can aid in delivery and recovery after birth.

A good exercise program can give you the strength and endurance you’ll need to carry the weight you gain during pregnancy, help prevent or ease aches and pains, improve sluggish circulation in your legs, and help you handle the physical stress of labor. It will also make getting back into shape after your baby’s born much easier.

Get some Rest 

The fatigue you feel in the first and third trimesters is your body’s way of telling you to slow down. So listen up and take it easy as much as you can. If you can’t swing a nap in the middle of the day, give yourself a break and let your other responsibilities slide a little. If you can’t sleep, at least put your feet up and read a book or leaf through a magazine.

Relaxation techniques such as yoga, stretching, deep breathing, and massage are all great ways to combat stress and get a better night’s sleep.

Cutting out BAD habits

  • Say no to alcohol:  Don’t drink while you’re pregnant: Any alcohol you drink reaches your baby rapidly through your bloodstream, crossing the placenta, and your baby can end up with higher levels of blood alcohol than you have. Drinking also increases your risk for miscarriage and stillbirth. So play it safe — avoid alcohol completely 
  • Swear off all illicit drugs:  Any drug you use gets into your baby’s bloodstream as well. Some studies suggest that marijuana may restrict your baby’s growth and cause withdrawal symptoms (like tremors) in your newborn. Using cocaine is extremely dangerous. It restricts the flow of blood to the uterus and may lead to miscarriage, growth problems, placental abruption, or premature delivery.  Your baby could be stillborn or have birth defects or developmental and behavioral problems.
  • Stop smoking:  Some research has even linked smoking to an increased risk of having a baby with a cleft lip or palate. Not convinced yet? Smoking during pregnancy increases the chance that a baby will be stillborn or die in infancy.
  • Cut back on caffeine:  caffeine has no nutritive value and makes it harder for your body to absorb iron,  something pregnant women are already low on. It’s also a stimulant, so it can make it even harder for you to get a good night’s sleep, give you headaches, and contribute to heartburn. Limit your coffee drinking or consider switching to decaf.
  • Eliminate environmental dangers:  Some jobs can be hazardous to you and your developing baby. If you’re routinely exposed to chemicals, heavy metals (like lead or mercury), certain biologic agents, or radiation, you’ll need to make some changes as soon as possible.

Take care of your emotional health

Many women feel like they’re on an emotional roller coaster at one time or another during pregnancy. But if your mood swings are extreme or interfering with your daily life, you may be suffering from depression, a relatively common condition. Share your feelings with your caregiver so you can get a referral for professional help.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.



Premature Birth Complications

A typical pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, yet some babies arrive sooner. Babies born before the 37th week of gestation are considered premature.  Premature newborns are sometimes referred to as “preemies”. Mothers who have their baby prematurely are often frightened and nervous. Premature newborns face an increased risk of one or more complications.

While some premature babies have serious medical complications or long-term health problems, many also go on to live normal healthy lives. With modern medicine and new technologies, babies are often able to survive when born earlier during the pregnancy.

The Most Common Complications of Premature Births

Breathing problems  

Breathing problems in premature babies are caused by an immature respiratory system. Immature lungs in premature babies often lack surfactant. This substance is a liquid that coats the inside of the lungs and helps keep them open. Without surfactant, a premature baby’s lungs can’t expand and contract normally. This increases their risk for respiratory distress syndrome.

Some premature babies who lack surfactant may need to be put on a ventilator (breathing machine). Babies who are on a ventilator for a long time are at risk of developing a chronic lung condition called bronchopulmonary dysplasia. This condition causes fluid to build up in the lungs and increases the likelihood of lung damage.

Transient tachypnea is rapid shallow breathing. This can occur in both premature babies as well as full-term babies. Recovery usually takes three days or less. Until the newborn has recovered, feedings may be altered, and in some cases, intravenous feedings may be done. There is usually no other treatment necessary.

apnea  and Bradycardia – Apnea is the absence of breathing. In the NICU an alarm will sound if a newborn develops an irregular breathing pattern of pauses longer than 10-15 seconds. Bradycardia is the reduction of heart rate.

An alarm will also sound if the newborn’s heart rate falls below 100 beats per minute. Usually, a little tap or simple rub on the back helps remind the preemie to breathe and also increases the heart rate.

Treatment: While being on a ventilator for an extended period of time may injure a baby’s lungs, it still may be necessary for the baby to receive continued oxygen therapy and ventilator support. Doctors may also use diuretic and inhaled medications.


The most common type of jaundice among premature babies is exaggerated physiologic jaundice. In this condition, the liver can’t rid the body of bilirubin. This substance is produced during the normal breakdown of red blood cells. As a result, bilirubin accumulates in the baby’s blood and spreads into the tissues. Because bilirubin is a yellowish color, the baby’s skin takes on a yellowish tint.

Jaundice is usually not a serious problem. However, if the bilirubin level gets too high, it can cause bilirubin toxicity. The substance can then build up in the brain and cause brain damage.

Ask your doctor or nurse for your baby’s bilirubin level. Normal levels of bilirubin in a newborn should be under 5 mg/dL. Many preterm babies, however, have bilirubin levels above that number. Bilirubin levels are not dangerous until they reach levels above 15-20 mg/dL, but phototherapy is generally started before levels get that high.

Treatment: The standard treatment for jaundice is phototherapy. This involves placing a baby under bright lights. The lights help break down the bilirubin into a substance that the body can get rid of more easily. Usually phototherapy is needed for less than a week. After that, the liver is mature enough to get rid of bilirubin on its own.

Kidney problems

A baby’s kidneys usually mature quickly after birth, but problems balancing the body’s fluids, salts, and wastes can occur during the first four to five days of life. This is especially true in babies less than 28 weeks into development.

During this time, a baby’s kidneys may have difficulty:

  • filtering wastes from the blood
  • getting rid of wastes without excreting excess fluids
  • producing urine

Because of the potential for kidney problems, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) staff carefully record the amount of urine a baby produces. They may also test the blood for levels of potassium, urea, and creatinine.

Staff must also be watchful when giving medications, especially antibiotics. They need to make sure that the medicines are excreted from the body. If problems arise with kidney function, staff may need to restrict the baby’s fluid intake or give more fluids so that substances in the blood are not overly concentrated.

Treatment: The most common basic treatments are the fluid restriction and salt restriction. Immature kidneys usually improve and have a normal function within a few days.


A premature baby can develop infections in almost any part of the body. A baby may acquire an infection at any stage, ranging from in utero (while in the uterus), birthing through the genital tract, to after birth including the days or weeks in the NICU.

Regardless of when an infection is acquired, infections in premature infants are more difficult to treat for two reasons:

  • A premature baby has a less developed immune system and fewer antibodies from the mother than a full-term baby. The immune system and antibodies are the body’s main defenses against infection.
  • A premature baby often requires a number of medical procedures, including insertion of intravenous (IV) lines, catheters, and endotracheal tubes and possibly assistance from a ventilator. Each time a procedure is performed, there’s a chance of introducing bacteria, viruses, or fungi into the baby’s system.

If your baby has an infection, you may notice some or all of the following signs:

  • lack of alertness or activity
  • difficulty tolerating feedings
  • poor muscle tone
  • inability to maintain body temperature
  • pale or spotted skin color, or a yellowish tint to the skin (jaundice)
  • slow heart rate
  • apnea (periods when the baby stops breathing)

These signs may be mild or dramatic, depending on the severity of the infection. As soon as there’s any suspicion that your baby has an infection, the NICU staff obtains samples of blood and often urine and spinal fluid to send to the laboratory for analysis.

Treatment: If there is evidence of infection, your baby may be treated with antibiotics, IV fluids, oxygen, or mechanical ventilation (help from a breathing machine). Although some infections can be serious, most babies respond well to treatments, including antibiotics if the infection is bacterial. The earlier your baby is treated, the better the chances of successfully fighting the infection.

Heart problems

The most common heart condition affecting premature babies is called a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). The ductus arteriosus is the opening between two major blood vessels of the heart. In premature babies, the ductus arteriosus may remain open (patent) instead of closing as it should soon after birth. If this occurs, it can cause extra blood to be pumped through the lungs in the first days of life. Fluid can build up in the lungs, and heart failure can develop.

Treatment: Babies can be treated with the medication indomethacin, which causes the ductus arteriosus to close. If the ductus arteriosus remains open and symptomatic, an operation to close the duct may be required.

Brain problems  

Brain problems can also occur in premature babies. Some premature babies have intraventricular hemorrhage, which is bleeding in the brain. Mild bleeding doesn’t usually cause permanent brain injury. However, heavy bleeding may result in permanent brain injury and cause fluid to accumulate in the brain. Severe bleeding can affect a baby’s cognitive and motor function.

Treatment: Treatment for brain problems can range from medication and therapy to surgery, depending on the severity of the problem.

Long-term complications

Some premature birth complications are short-term and resolve within time. Others are long-term or permanent. Long-term complications include the following:   

  • Cerebral palsy: Cerebral Palsy is a movement disorder that affects muscle tone, muscle coordination, movement, and balance. It’s caused by an infection, poor blood flow, or a brain injury during pregnancy or after birth. Often, a specific cause can’t be determined.  
  • Vision problems: Premature babies are at risk for retinopathy of prematurity. In this condition, blood vessels in the back of the eye become swollen. This can cause gradual retina scarring and retinal detachment, increasing the risks of vision loss or blindness.
  • Hearing problems: Some premature babies experience some hearing loss. Hearing loss can sometimes be total, causing deafness. Many times, the exact cause hearing loss in premature babies is unknown.
  • Dental problems: Dental issues can affect a premature baby later in life. These include tooth discoloration, delayed tooth growth, or improper alignment.
  • Behavioral problems: Children born prematurely are more likely to have behavioral or psychological problems. These include attention-deficit disorder (ADD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Impaired cognitive function: Premature babies are also at greater risk for long-term disabilities, which can be intellectual, developmental, or both. These children may develop at a slower rate than babies born full-term.
  • Chronic health problems: In addition, premature babies have a greater risk for chronic health problems. They are more susceptible to infections and may suffer from other problems such as asthma or difficulty feeding. There’s also an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) among premature infants.

Survival Rate

The earlier a baby is born, the greater the risk for short-term and long-term complications.

Length of pregnancy and Survival rate:

  • 34+ weeks    = Almost the same rates as a full-term baby
  • 32-33 weeks = 95%
  • 28-31 weeks = 90-95%
  • 27 weeks     = 90%
  • 26 weeks     = 80%
  • 25 weeks     = 50%
  • 24 weeks     = 39%
  • 23 weeks     = 17%



The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.



Pregnancy after Abortion

A female willing to conceive again after enduring a termination may fall in any of two categories. Most women believe that they have positive chances of conceiving quickly after abortion as they experienced no difficulty previously, while the other group of women may think that abortion or termination of pregnancy may affect their future chances of a healthy conception.

After an abortion, a female can get pregnant; however, it is recommended to take some simple measures in order to optimize the maternal and fetal help and chances of an uneventful pregnancy. Knowing you’ve had an abortion can leave you worried about the impact on future pregnancies. So what’s the reality?

Whatever your reason for having an abortion was – and whether it was years ago or recently – it doesn’t mean that it will affect your chances of one day being a mom.


Is It Safe to Have a Pregnancy After Abortion?  

It is optimal to discuss pregnancy after abortion individually with the gynecologist or obstetrician for your safety. Abortion performed legally yield zero complications and is typically operated like a miscarriage. Doctors usually recommend waiting for at least 3 months before trying to conceive, or longer if abortion experience was a mid or late term. However, female who endures illegal abortion or suffered complications following the termination of pregnancy should wait longer. If the doctor advice no medical complication after examination then pregnancy after abortion is normally safe.

Most women don’t want to wait for 3 months after the abortion, yet it is recommended to give the body some time and rest so that it can regenerate and fix all the prior deficiencies. The well being of pregnancy after abortion can be calculated by several factors. To a certain extent, preconception behavior matters a lot to the fetus. For example, it is vital to consume folic acid before becoming pregnant to reduce the risk of neural tube defects.

The reason for conceiving again quickly after an abortion should be analyzed. If a woman had an abortion due to some medical reasons, the probability of those reasons to occur again is high that puts the child and mother on high risk. Some women regret their choice of abortion and want to get pregnant quickly again that is a psychological guilt and thus not a sound option. Additionally, women may seek abortion because of fear of her life and/ or safety of her baby in particular living scenarios; in all such cases, the decision of getting pregnant again can put her in danger if those circumstances have not changed.

How Soon Can I Get Pregnant After an Abortion?

A female can conceive right away after an abortion. Ovulation in a female is a natural phenomenon that is controlled by hormones. If no birth control option is utilized, the chances of conception are optimal as soon as normal ovarian cycles resume. That’s why if you are not looking to get pregnant again, use birth control methods after consulting a healthcare professional.

Pregnancy can occur within 7 to 10 days of abortion even when the woman is still bleeding. It is important to use reliable birth control technique just after the week following pregnancy termination. Women with aspiration procedure or early medical abortion can get pregnant almost immediately. Healthcare providers advise women with first-trimester surgical abortion or D&C procedure to wait for a month at least so that the uterus can be healed.

How does an abortion affect your chances of getting pregnant again?

It’s completely natural to worry about how your abortion may have affected your chances of getting pregnant again. Of course, just like with any operation, there is a small chance that complications can arise that may affect your fertility or pregnancy. And while this is rare, it’s a good idea to be aware of what these risks are:

What are the risk factors that could affect pregnancy?

There is a possible link between abortion and certain pregnancy and birth-related risks and while these are uncommon, they are good to know about.

‘If there was a problem during your abortion, you may face difficulties getting – or staying – pregnant,’ says Dr. Geetha Venkat, director of Harley Street Fertility Clinic.

The first step for the termination procedure is dilation of the cervix. In case of a tight cervix, more force has to be used to dilate it, which can traumatize the tissue. This can lead to an incompetent or weak cervix that can result in miscarriage or preterm birth.

If you’ve had a few abortions, you are at a higher risk of having an infection after the procedure. Worst case scenario, this can block the fallopian tubes, If the tubes are blocked, the egg and sperm cannot meet and natural conception will not occur.

What if I had complications during my abortion?

You shouldn’t have a huge amount of pain after having your abortion,  if you do, make sure you get checked out to avoid long-lasting consequences.

Strong stomach pains could mean there is some of the conception left behind, The prolonged bleeding may lead to anemia and weakness, or possibly an infection, which results in a tubal blockage.

Although it’s small, there is a chance that the lining of the womb can be damaged during an abortion. This can make it difficult to conceive, and how hard it will be is something that a doctor can verify.

However, it doesn’t always make it impossible to keep trying and make lifestyle changes to improve your chances when trying to conceive.

Emotional Consequences Of Abortion For A Woman  

Different women experience the termination of pregnancy differently. Often, you can hear women saying that, right after an abortion, they feel relieved. But this relief is, usually, only an initial, superficial reaction to abortion. Later, women go through many difficult emotions, which are related to the abortion.

Abortion affects all family members, as well as people who advise having an abortion and the doctors who perform it. Everyone who took part in killing an unborn baby, who cannot protect himself, suffers in some way. That the experience of abortion would not ruin the rest of one’s life, one needs to seek for the truth about abortion, self, others, and God. Talking to a competent counselor, social worker, family consultant or priest would be helpful in that.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.



When to Stop Working During Pregnancy

Working during pregnancy is a choice. Till the time you are okay to work, you can. Many women prefer to work during pregnancy. In fact, making your mind engaged in something can be a good exercise for your mind which is much needed. But you have to be careful about the work pressure. Do not lean your brain too much into the work. But, apart from all, you have to be careful about your condition. If you can not work anymore you should stop working as your baby’s health is much important than any other things.


Deciding when to stop working before baby makes her appearance is a choice that’s determined by a variety of factors. For many women, pregnancy health and personal comfort are the only reason to stop. We watch our bodies change by the week. We watch our energy level shift. Going to work is more challenging sometimes because growing a baby is using a lot of energy.


Some moms choose to work up until the very last minute in order to save up their maternity leave days for after baby arrives. Others choose a “last day” in advance in order to have a break before their due date, or make arrangements to work from home in the final days.

These two factors usually influence how you decide the right time to stop working:

Your Work Type: Is your job very physical?

As your pregnancy progresses, the many changes your body goes through often creates a strain on your back and legs. Nerves may get pinched. Core muscles weaken and don’t support your back like they did. Swelling may make your legs or feet ache or have shooting pains. Your energy level may not be as robust as it was.

Does your job put you or your baby at risk?      

Are you exposed to toxic chemicals, fumes, machinery, radiation or other workplace factors?

These factors can affect the development of your baby as well as your own health. Pregnancy changes your biology in so many invisible ways.

Pregnancy Health Status:

Has your health or your baby’s health changed?

Whether you’re low risk or high, regular prenatal checkups matter. They are your best bet to discover if you or baby need a change in routine or more rest. If your normal pregnancy health status changes into a more stressed state your work schedule or job may have to change to keep you and baby safe.

3 Signs It’s Time to Stop Working   

  1. You’re losing steam in the middle of the day. Sleepless nights are affecting your daytime performance and causing you to be sluggish, grouchy or forgetful. Plus, you find yourself stressing about all the neglected preparations waiting for you at home.
  2. Sitting and standing are uncomfortable. If seating at your office chair becomes quite stressful for you, then please take this as an alarm to stop your work. If your baby bump is growing and you are feeling heavy day by day there is no point in stressing yourself. Moreover, office work means climbing stairs, carrying files etc. Gradually you may feel that you are having an immense number of problems in standing because you were seating on the chair for a long time. Your body needs rest and your mind too.
  3. You’re having symptoms of early labor. During the later stages of pregnancy, you may notice that you are having early labor symptoms. These symptoms include lower back aches, cramping or spotting. These symptoms immediately need doctor’s attention. That is why you should stop working at that time and meet your doctor as soon as possible.



The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.




Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself to a place other than inside the uterus. Almost all ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tube and are thus sometimes called tubal pregnancies. The fallopian tubes are not designed to hold a growing embryo; thus, the fertilized egg in a tubal pregnancy cannot develop properly. An ectopic pregnancy is rare but serious, and they need to be treated, it happens in 1 out of 50 pregnancies.


Ectopic pregnancies can also happen on your ovary, or somewhere else in your belly.

Ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous if not treated. Fallopian tubes can break if stretched too much by the growing pregnancy — this is sometimes called a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. This can cause internal bleeding, infection, and in some cases lead to death.

What causes an Ectopic Pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancies are caused by one or more of the following:

  • An infection or inflammation of the fallopian tube can cause it to become partially or entirely blocked.
  • Scar tissue from a previous infection or a surgical procedure on the tube may also impede the egg’s movement.
  • Previous surgery in the pelvic area or on the tubes can cause adhesions.
  • Abnormal growths or a birth defect can result in an abnormality in the tube’s shape.

Who is at risk for having an ectopic pregnancy?

We don’t always know the cause of ectopic pregnancy. But you may be more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy if you:

  • have had an STD, pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis
  • previous ectopic pregnancy
  • previous pelvic or abdominal surgery
  • are 35 or older
  • smoke cigarettes
  • Several induced abortions

If you get pregnant after you’ve been sterilized or while you have an IUD (Intrauterine Device), it’s more likely to be ectopic. But this is very rare because these types of birth control are super effective at preventing pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy?

Although you may experience typical signs and symptoms of pregnancy, the following symptoms may be used to help recognize a potential ectopic pregnancy:

Sharp or stabbing pain that may come and go and vary in intensity. (The pain may be in the pelvis, abdomen, or even the shoulder and neck due to blood from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy gathering up under the diaphragm).

  • Vaginal bleeding, heavier or lighter than your normal period
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Weakness, dizziness, or fainting
  • Shoulder pain

If you have severe pain or bleeding, go to the emergency room right away. If you have any other symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, contact your doctor or nurse as soon as you can. The earlier an ectopic pregnancy is found and treated, the safer you’ll be.

How Is An Ectopic Pregnancy Diagnosed?

Ectopic pregnancies are diagnosed by your physician, who will probably first perform a pelvic exam to locate pain, tenderness, or a mass in the abdomen. Your physician will also use an ultrasound to determine whether the uterus contains a developing fetus. The measurement of hCG levels is also important. An hCG level that is lower than expected is one reason to suspect an ectopic pregnancy.

Your doctor may also test your progesterone levels because low levels could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In addition, your physician may do a culdocentesis, which is a procedure that involves inserting a needle into space at the very top of the vagina, behind the uterus and in front of the rectum. The presence of blood in this area may indicate bleeding from a ruptured fallopian tube.

What’s the treatment for an ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy treatment is medicine or surgery:

  • You get shots of a medicine called methotrexate that ends the ectopic pregnancy. It stops the fertilized egg’s cells from growing, and your body absorbs any cells that have already developed. This shouldn’t damage the fallopian tubes at all.
  • The pregnancy is removed with a surgical procedure using laparoscopy. Your doctor makes a small cut near your belly button and removes the pregnancy using surgical tools and a tiny camera to see inside your body. This is the most common treatment for ectopic pregnancy. Sometimes, this procedure causes scarring in your fallopian tube, or a piece of the fallopian tube needs to be removed.
  • If the tube has become stretched or has ruptured and started bleeding, part or all of it may have to be removed. In this case, bleeding needs to be stopped promptly, and emergency surgery is necessary.

Can I get pregnant again after an ectopic pregnancy?

The chances of having a successful pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy may be reduced, but this will depend on why the pregnancy was ectopic and your medical history., depending on the treatment you had and the condition of your fallopian tubes. If the fallopian tubes have been left in place, you have approximately a 60% chance of having a successful pregnancy in the future.

If one of your fallopian tubes was removed or your tubes are scarred, it may be more difficult to get pregnant. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you’re more likely to get another one in the future.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


The Benefits of Eating Healthy during Pregnancy

A healthy diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle at any time, but especially vital if you’re pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Healthy eating keeps you feeling good and gives your baby the essential nutrients they need in utero.


You know that it’s important to eat healthy to reduce the incidence of disease and to promote longevity. In pregnancy, it is even more important to eat healthy as you are now eating for two. Your growing baby is vulnerable to toxins, and he or she needs all the nutrients you can provide to grow into a strong and healthy baby.


Dieting During Your Pregnancy

What does diet during pregnancy mean? When we refer to diet during pregnancy, we are not speaking about restricting calories or trying to lose weight. Dieting to lose weight during pregnancy can be hazardous to you and your baby, especially since a weight loss regimen may restrict important nutrients such as iron, folic acid, and other important vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, we recommend avoiding popular diets such as Atkins, South Beach, The Zone, Raw Food Diet, and so on.

The type of diet we encourage during pregnancy refers to fine-tuning your eating habits to ensure you are receiving adequate nutrition for the health of you and your baby. Healthy eating during pregnancy is critical to your baby’s growth and development.

Overall, aim for a balanced diet, with an appropriate blend of all the five food groups:

  1. vegetables and legumes
  2. bread and cereals
  3. milk, yogurt and cheese
  4. meat, poultry, fish, and alternatives
  5. fruit.

Avoid alcohol during pregnancy as there is no safe level in regards harm to yourself or baby.


Foods containing protein help the baby grow. Meat, fish, chicken, eggs, milk, cheeses, nuts, beans and peas are all good sources of protein. Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water every day – most town water contains fluoride, which helps your growing baby’s teeth develop strong enamel. Some water supplies say from a tank do not have fluoride. You will probably find that you are more hungry than usual, but you don’t need to ‘eat for two’ – even if you are expecting twins or triplets.

Have a healthy breakfast every day because this can help you to avoid snacking on foods that are high in fat and sugar.

Eating healthily often means just changing the amounts of different foods you eat so that your diet is varied, rather than cutting out all your favorites.


Benefits for both you and your baby to eating healthy during pregnancy. Here are just a few of them:

Reduces Pregnancy Complications

Women are vulnerable to a number of complications during pregnancy, including high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. Eating well can keep your blood pressure, blood sugar levels and weight at healthy levels to reduce the incidence of such complications. Eating healthy foods can also help prevent or treat common pregnancy maladies, such as morning sickness and leg cramps. Ensuring that your diet is full of lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates can help lessen or prevent these symptoms.

Reduces Incidence of Birth Defects

Exposure to certain chemicals or a deficit in certain nutrients can lead to birth defects in your baby. The lack of key nutrients such as folic acid has been linked to higher rates of birth defects such as spina bifida. It is important to eat natural, unprocessed foods as much as possible during pregnancy to avoid harmful substances. It is also critical to take a good prenatal vitamin to ensure adequate intake of key nutrients such as folic acid and iron.

Ensures a Healthy Weight for Your Baby

Babies with a low birth weight suffer more health problems and potentially serious complications than babies born at a healthy weight. A low birth weight can set babies up for a lifetime of health complications or disabilities. Ensure that you are eating nutritious foods and adequate calories to promote healthy weight gain in your baby. You should be eating at least 300 more calories per day during pregnancy, most or all of which should come from nutritious foods like vegetables and whole grains.

Sets the Stage for Good Health

What you eat while you’re pregnant can influence your baby’s development and what he or she eats later in life. If you eat poorly, not only will your baby develop a taste for foods that are low in nutrition, but he or she will also have a greater risk for developing obesity and serious diseases like diabetes. However, if you eat a nutritious diet during pregnancy, you promote healthy development in your baby that will stay with him or her throughout life. You will also be encouraging your baby’s own healthy eating habits.

Helps You Lose Weight Faster

Most women are keen to lose their extra pregnancy weight as quickly as possible. Eating nutritiously throughout your pregnancy not only makes it more likely that you will gain a healthy amount of weight but also makes it easier for you to shed that weight after pregnancy. Eating well during pregnancy sets up healthy habits that you can continue after your baby is born, making it easier for you to eat well and to maintain a healthy weight. You’ll also be a positive role model for your baby to teach healthy habits!

Eating a healthy diet is especially important during pregnancy. Everything you eat has an impact on your baby’s growth and development, as well as your own health. Eating well can ensure that your baby grows and develops properly and that you experience fewer complications from pregnancy.



The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


How to Bond with Your Unborn Baby?

Pregnancy is just the beginning of a life-long love affair with your child. The easy weeks can be tiring and stressful, and it’s easy to feel a bit disconnected from your growing baby. But as your pregnancy progresses, and your bump grows, you’ll start to feel much more like a mom to be.


To help prepare for your new life, spend a little time bonding with your unborn baby when you can. We’ve got some great tips to help you get in touch with this new little person.

Here are 10 things you can try to help you bond with your bump:

  • Use Your Voice. When your baby is born, she will recognize your voice and turn towards you whenever she hears it. She will remember your voice because she has spent months listening to you give presentations at work. Spend some time each day talking to your baby, telling her about the things you will do together, touching your belly, reading your favorite childhood book to your baby. You can put headphones on your belly and play music for your baby. You can sing your favorite lullaby. All really great ways to connect with your baby during pregnancy. You may find that your baby responds to the sound of your voice, and begins kicking and nudging you as you talk. If you feel uncomfortable talking to your bump, trying singing instead.


  • Go Swimming. Swimming is a great way to take the weight off your feet, and it even gives you some idea of what life is like for your baby! Not only is swimming a safe way to exercise but since your baby’s floating in fluid too, it gives you a chance to relate to her. No matter how big your bump, the gentle support of the water will give you some welcome relief in the later stages of your pregnancy. You could also look out for aquanatal classes. These are an ideal opportunity to tone up and make new friends.



  • Massage your Bump. A soothing way to bond with your baby is to gently massage your belly. This is safe to do after the first three months of pregnancy, and it’s a great way to relax and wind down. An aromatherapy massage is a great way to pamper yourself. It gives you a wonderful chance to sit still and spend time thinking of and talking to your baby. Try adding one or two drops of lavender, frankincense or ylang-ylang to a carrier oil for massage. All of these oils are safe to use after the first trimester. Ask your partner if he’d like to give you a massage. It may help him to share in your pregnancy more easily.


  • Nudge Back. For now, your baby’s only method of communication is bumps, kicks, and nudges. You have probably noticed that your baby becomes particularly active when you sit down to rest. Play with your baby by responding to her movements, gently poke back when she nudges you, and see what she does. You can also rub your belly in the area you feel movements.


  • Take a Yoga, Classes. Prenatal Yoga classes give you a chance to escape the humdrum of daily life and focus on your pregnancy for a while. The yoga teacher will talk you through each pose, explaining how it is beneficial during pregnancy. You will also be given time to relax and focus on your developing baby. This is a great way to guarantee yourself time to focus, which can be difficult to find when you are tying up loose ends at work, packing a hospital bag and preparing the house for a new baby. Yoga has been proven to be beneficial for depression and anxiety during pregnancy.


Every pregnancy and every pregnant woman is unique.


  • Have a Bath. A nice long soak is a perfect way to get away from it all and enjoy some real “me time”. It’s also a great chance to devote some attention to your baby. Just make sure the water’s not too hot, as this can be bad for your baby. Run a warm bath and perhaps light some candles and play soft music in the background for a soothing ambiance. Then simply lie still, breathe deeply, relax completely and picture your baby. Try taking a few minutes to visualize yourself holding her when she finally arrives. Imagine what she might look like, what you might say to her and how that first cuddle might feel. If you’re well into your second trimester, you may have already felt your baby’s movements. However, these can be easy to miss when you’re busy during the day. A nice quiet bath is a perfect time to focus on your baby’s squirming and kicking. Get to know the pattern of your baby’s movements, and imagine how big and strong she’s getting!



  • Get Dad Involved. It’s not just you who wants to develop a lasting bond with your baby – dad-to-be will want a slice of the action too! When you feel the baby kick, place your partner’s hands over your tummy so that he can feel the movements too, and let him respond by rubbing your bump in the same spot. He could even read baby a book or two. You may find that you develop a stronger bond with both the baby and the dad-to-be simply by watching their relationship strengthen.



  • Take Bump Photos. Not only will your own photos make a lovely keepsake once the pregnancy is over, but will also help you to focus on your growing baby during pregnancy. Set a time each week to take a photograph of yourself sideways on. As you compare the bump photos from each week, you will be able to see how much your baby is changing and growing during the pregnancy. This visual reminder may help to make the pregnancy seem more real and will give you time to reflect upon the changes occurring. Booking a professional pregnancy photo shoot towards the end of your pregnancy can make you feel special too, where yourself and your partner (or yourself alone) can have some gorgeous moments captured by a professional, that you will no doubt treasure forever.



  • Respond to Baby’s Kicks. You may start to feel your baby’s movements from about 18 weeks to 20 weeks if this is your first baby. Feeling your baby move can be wonderfully reassuring after weeks of having no idea what she’s getting up to in there! Responding to your baby’s kicks is about as close as you will get to two-way communication before she’s born. And you can do it at any time, wherever you are. Rub your bump when your baby moves and you may find that she kicks back at you. There’s nothing quite as exciting as feeling your baby respond to your touch for the very first time.



  • Go for a Walk. Try taking some time out to bond with your bump by going for a walk. It’s great exercise and easy to fit into your daily routine, even if you’re working. Going for a stroll gives you space to think about your baby without too many distractions or interruptions. You can even have a discreet chat with your bump as you go. If you didn’t do much exercise before you became pregnant, start with a gentle stroll at a pace that’s comfortable for you. Once you’ve got into the habit of walking regularly, you can build up to faster walks lasting between 20 minutes and 30 minutes. You could alternate a few minutes of brisk walking with a few minutes at a slower pace.



The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Calcium During Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, your developing baby needs calcium to build strong bones and teeth. Calcium also helps your baby grow a healthy heart, nerves, and muscles as well as develop a normal heart rhythm and blood-clotting abilities.


Your body will do whatever it needs to take care of your baby, including stealing. Your body actually takes calcium from your own bones or teeth to give it to your little one. So if you want your bones and teeth to stay strong, you need to get extra calcium while your baby’s growing inside you.

What Calcium Does for You

It’s common knowledge that calcium is crucial for proper fetal bone and teeth development. But were you aware that you and your baby need calcium to maintain a normal heartbeat? Besides building teeth and bones, calcium also keeps your blood and muscles moving and helps your nerves send messages from your brain to the rest of your body.

Calcium You Need During Pregnancy

Your body can’t make calcium, so you need to get it from food or supplements. While you’re pregnant, try to get at least 1,000 mg of calcium every day. If you’re 18 or younger, then you need at least 1,300 mg of calcium every day.


Dietary sources of calcium   

  • Yogurt, 8 oz, plain low-fat: 415 mg
  • Orange juice, 6 oz of calcium-fortified OJ: 375 mg
  • Sardines, 3 oz canned with bones in oil: 325 mg
  • Cheddar cheese, 1.5 oz: 307 mg
  • Milk, 8 oz nonfat: 299 mg
  • Tofu, 1/2 cup, firm, made with calcium sulfate: 253 mg
  • Salmon, 3 oz canned with bones: 181 mg
  • Cereal, 1 cup of calcium-fortified types : 100 to 1,000 mg
  • Kale, 1 cup, cooked: 94 mg
  • Soy beverage, 8 oz, calcium-fortified: 80 to 500 mg:
  • Bok choy, 1 cup, raw: 74 mg

Here are a few examples on how to reach that 1,000 mg goal: Drink 3 cups of milk or calcium-fortified orange juice or choose a cereal that has 1,000 mg of calcium.

Know About Calcium Supplements

Whether you were calcium deficient prior to pregnancy and if you’re having trouble meeting your RNI with food alone. Before popping calcium pills, make sure to talk to your GP first and have a dietitian review your current diet.

An excessive calcium intake (from supplements) can harm your baby: some babies fail to thrive, while others suffer from various symptoms ranging from mild constipation, muscle weakness to severe seizures. According to studies, excess calcium intake can also hinder the absorption of other minerals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc which are also essential for both mother and child.



Calcium supplements come in two forms: carbonate and citrate.

  • Calcium carbonate is less expensive and works best if you take it with food.
  • Calcium citrate works just as well with food or on an empty stomach.

Many calcium supplements also contain vitamins D, which helps your body absorb calcium.

Limit to 500 mg at a time. To make sure your body absorbs the most calcium possible, take only 500 mg of calcium at a time. For example, this might mean taking a 500 mg supplement with breakfast and another with dinner.



The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

