Entries by Rachel Mata


Many studies show that reading (particularly from the mother’s relaxing voice) causes a baby’s fetal heart rate to drop. Also, the bond that is experienced between parent and child, later on, can start to occur while Mama or Papa read to the baby prenatally. Participation in reading is also a great way for other family […]

How to Prepare For a Cesarean Section

A Cesarean section, or C-section, is a procedure during which a baby is surgically delivered. This procedure is carried out when a vaginal birth isn’t possible when vaginal birth will put the mother’s or baby’s life at risk, A C-section is a form of surgery during which a doctor cuts through your belly and uterus […]

Water Birth: Benefits and Risks

Water birth is the process of giving birth in a tub of warm water. Some women choose to labor in the water and get out for delivery. Other women decide to stay in the water for the delivery as well. It is believed that water birth results in a more relaxed, less painful experience for […]

Prolonged Labor Management

What is Prolonged Labor? Prolonged labor is also referred to as “failure to progress.” It occurs when labor goes on for about 18 to 24 hours after regular contractions begin. For twins, a labor that goes on for 16 hours is considered prolonged. New mothers, having their first baby, are expected to be in labor […]

Pregnancy After 35: Things You Need to Know

Age matters in pregnancy. The older you are, the more challenges you may face. Many women over 35 have normal pregnancies and normal deliveries, but statistics show that more problems arise when you’re an older mother. Older mothers are usually offered more tests during pregnancy, including amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. Age makes a difference […]

What Happens to Your Body After Giving Birth

Many things are happening in your body right after you have a baby. During pregnancy, your body changed a lot. It worked hard to keep your baby safe and healthy. Now that your baby is here, your body is changing again. Some of these changes are physical, like your breasts getting full of milk. Others […]

Your First Postpartum Period: What to Expect

There are many things to love about pregnancy. Another is that you’ll have at least nine months of freedom from your period. But after you deliver, you’re probably curious about what will happen with your menstrual cycle. After its months-long hiatus, your postpartum period might return with a vengeance—or a whisper—and stay that way for […]

Baby Kicks in the Womb

One of the most exciting moments in your pregnancy is when you feel those first little flutters of your baby kicking. These tiny movements reassure you that your baby is developing and help you feel closer to the little life inside of you. Though the womb is a tight space in which to exercise, it […]