All posts in regards to fertility, pregnancy and child birth

Chia Seeds During Pregnancy

What are Chia Seeds?

Chia is as super for pregnant women as it is for everyone else. Chia seeds are tiny edible seeds that contain several vital nutrients. They are full of fiber and packed with Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants. These little seeds contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and protein and these are important for bone health. Since these nutrients promote overall health, consuming chia seeds during pregnancy can benefit you and your baby. This is a great seed for healthy living.

Is it safe to eat chia seeds during pregnancy?

Some people wonder whether chia seeds are safe to eat while pregnant or breastfeeding. Chia seeds are safe to consume during pregnancy and can actually boost the chances of a healthy delivery. Many expecting mothers wonder how much chia seeds should be consumed daily. Knowing this is essential as excessive intake of these seeds can have certain side effects that may affect you and the baby. Around 100g of chia seeds provide approximately 20g of protein. Consuming 1 tablespoon of chia seeds can provide you with 3g of protein. Chia seeds also contain iron and calcium,  both of these minerals are essential for a healthy pregnancy. These vitamins are great for both you and your baby while pregnant.

Benefits of chia seeds in pregnancy

  • Relief from constipation: Chia seeds are loaded with insoluble fiber that aids digestion. It can, therefore, treat constipation, a common complaint during pregnancy.
  • Can boost your red blood cells 
  • Can strengthen baby’s teeth and bones: Chia seed is a good source of Calcium which will ensure proper skeletal development of your baby and even help build his tooth buds. 
  • Can help prevent anemia.Blood sugar regulation: The fiber in chia seeds can slow down the absorption of sugar in your blood and keep it stable, thereby lowering the risk of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease
  • Can help you stay full longer: So whenever possible, add a few sprinkles of chia seeds to your recipes.The more protein-rich foods you eat, the less hungry you’ll feel. 
  • A good source of omega-3: Omega-3 helps reduce chronic inflammation, contributes to eye health, and even eases anxiety and depression. It also promotes healthy brain development in unborn babies and may even contribute to a healthy pregnancy
  • Can help promote fetal development: Chia seeds are a healthy source of protein, which is an extremely important nutrient during pregnancy as it promotes the development of organs (including the brain) and cells of the fetus. 
  • May give more energy: As a healthy fat, chia seeds may give you a much-needed pick-me-up. The seeds aren’t going to eliminate fatigue; they’re a superfood, not a miracle cure. 
  • Improves oxygen supply: Chia contains Iron that is essential for the production of extra red blood cells that carry oxygen to the body system. Chia seeds are one of the easiest ways to get this nutrient into your diet.

Risks of Chia Seeds in pregnancy

  • stomach discomfort can result from eating too much – Chia seeds are healthy and natural, but this doesn’t mean you can’t overdo it.
  • Chia seeds are blood thinners and may lower your blood pressure and cause bleeding.
  • Possible drug interactions do exist – although chia seeds regulate blood sugar levels, they may interact with certain drugs and medication.
  • May trigger allergic reactions – Chia seeds may also trigger allergic reactions like rashes, hives, and watery eyes.

How to Consume Chia Seeds

  • Chia seeds with water
  • Chia seeds smoothie
  • Chia Seeds Sandwich
  • Chia seed pudding
  • Chia protein pancakes

Chia seeds are a necessity for pregnant women due to their high protein content and excellent nutrition profile. Chia seeds might be small in size, but there’s nothing insignificant about their nutritional punch. They are nutritious, and they are safe to consume while pregnant or breastfeeding. So whether you’re looking for a bit more energy or you want to try getting rid of constipation, go ahead and sprinkle some chia seeds over your food. And don’t stop eating the seeds just because you’ve given birth; their health benefits are for everyone.  We recommend that you speak to your doctor and find out whether they interfere with your existing medications before you begin incorporating them into your diet. As always, add one to two tablespoons of chia seeds a day during pregnancy and you’ll be all set for your pregnancy.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


High Cholesterol And Pregnancy- what you need to know

High Cholesterol And Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, making healthy choices benefits not only you but also your growing baby. Your cholesterol and triglycerides naturally rise during pregnancy, as they’re needed for the growth and development of the baby. Cholesterol is also needed to make the hormones estrogen and progesterone which play a key role during pregnancy. For women who already have high cholesterol, the levels can climb even higher which could lead to hypertension and risks. Treating conditions like high cholesterol can be more difficult during pregnancy, even though a variety of medications can manage it in nonpregnant women.

Health profesiosnals recommended to check your cholesterol and triglyceride levels during pregnancy, as they also tend to rise. In rare cases, women with very high triglycerides before pregnancy develop severely raised triglycerides. This puts you at risk of acute pancreatitis, an uncommon but serious complication that can cause severe abdominal pain and fatty spots on the skin (eruptive xanthoma).

What is high cholesterol during pregnancy?

Cholesterol increases significantly during pregnancy by about 25-50% and it can get extremely high during pregnancy. It is a type of fat that your body needs to function, but too much can clog your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. It is carefully monitored in the non-pregnant adult population, where its association with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease is well understood. Researchers do not yet fully understand the effects of maternal high cholesterol on pregnancy and fetal development. However, a growing body of evidence from animal and human studies suggests adverse consequences of high cholesterol levels in pregnancy.

Cholesterol during pregnancy has some benefits:

  • proper development of your baby
  • production and function of estrogen and progesterone
  • the development of healthy breast milk

How to treat high cholesterol during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, your doctor probably won’t prescribe medication to lower your cholesterol. However, if your levels remain high after your baby is born, you may receive medication and instructions to follow a heart-smart diet. Eating a low-fat, low cholesterol diet during pregnancy is extremely important and emphasizes the benefits of the diet.

This might include:

  • increasing physical activity
  • eat more fiber
  • getting healthy fats like those derived from nuts and avocados
  • adding omega-3-rich foods or supplements to your diet
  • get healthy fats from nuts and avocado
  • avoid fried foods
  • limit sugar to lower triglycerides

Blood cholesterol tends to stay high for at least a month after giving birth and the same goes for Triglycerides but might go back to normal sooner in mothers who breastfeed. Wait at least six to eight weeks after giving birth before having a cholesterol test. If you are breastfeeding, wait until you’ve stopped.

In general, people with high cholesterol do not have a harder time getting pregnant than people of the same age without high cholesterol. However, there is one study that suggested it might take longer to get pregnant if a person has high cholesterol.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are a common, usually harmless part of pregnancy for some women. Many women first develop varicose veins or find that they get worse during pregnancy. They happen when the uterus applies pressure to the large vein (the inferior vena cava) that carries blood back to the heart from your feet and legs.  You may have inherited varicose veins and could also get them during pregnancy.

Varicose veins are the large, swollen blood vessels found predominantly in the legs, but that can show up almost anywhere in the lower half of your body and even your rectum or vulva. Varicose veins are unusually swollen veins that may bulge near the surface of the skin. These blue, red, or purple veins sometimes look squiggly or ropelike and are most likely to show up on your legs, though in pregnancy it’s possible to get them on your lower pelvic area, buttocks, or elsewhere. (Hemorrhoids are just varicose veins in the rectal area.) When they swell above the surface of the skin, they create those distinctive purplish lumps that look alarming but are quite harmless and fairly common, affecting up to 40% of pregnant women, according to some research. 

Pregnancy causes many changes in your body and some of these changes can cause varicose veins.

Changed in body during pregnancy:

  • Progesterone – This hormone is increased during pregnancy. It is essential for a healthy pregnancy, but it also causes the veins to relax. Blood does not move as easily through these relaxed veins. As blood builds up, the pressure within the vein increases, and the vein enlarges.
  • Increased blood – The volume of blood in a pregnant woman’s body increases during pregnancy. More blood overall means there is more blood within the veins, and this increases the strain on the vein valves and walls.
  • Pressure from the uterus – The growing fetus within the uterus pushes against the organs and blood vessels in the abdomen. Blood moves from the leg veins to veins in the pelvis, or lower abdomen, before moving back to the heart. The pressure placed on these pelvic veins by the uterus prevents blood from flowing out of the legs.

Tips On How To Prevent Varicose Veins Naturally During Pregnancy

While varicose veins can be hereditary, and you can’t prevent the circulatory changes that occur during pregnancy, there are some ways you can prevent or minimize varicose veins.

  • Avoid sitting or standing in the same position for long periods of time. Make sure to take breaks to change your position.
  • Get regular exercise. Talk with your doctor to confirm if it is safe for you to exercise during pregnancy.
  • Wearing maternity support hosiery or thigh-high compression stockings work by applying pressure to the outside of your legs. This helps counteract the pressure within the veins and prevents swelling and bulging. 
  • Avoid crossing your legs while sitting; it prevents blood from moving out of the veins, which increases the pressure within them.
  • Elevate your legs periodically to improve circulation.
  • Sleep on your left side. This will help relieve pressure on the inferior vena cava.
  • Reduce sodium intake to minimize swelling of the veins.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat enough fiber to prevent constipation.
  • Avoid High Heels; it prevents the leg muscles from working, and this keeps the blood in the veins. 
  • Sleep on your Left Side; can relieve the pressure on the veins in your abdomen and help your leg veins drain while you’re sleeping. 
  • Exercise daily. Even just a brisk walk around the block can improve your circulation.

Are varicose veins in pregnancy ever serious?

During pregnancy varicose veins are relatively common and usually painless and harmless. The good news for some women is that varicose veins may improve or disappear after you give birth, especially if you didn’t have any before you got pregnant. If your varicose veins persist and become too uncomfortable to live with, or even if you’re just unhappy with how they look, ask your provider to refer you to a specialist to find out about other treatment options.

Varicose vein surgery is not recommended during pregnancy as varicose veins generally improve after giving birth. . If your varicose veins persist and become too uncomfortable to live with, or even if you’re just unhappy with how they look, ask your provider to refer you to a specialist to find out about 


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


What is a Septate Uterus?

Septate uterus is the most common congenital uterine malformation, affecting 1 percent of all women, which happens during fetal development before birth. A membrane called the septum divides the inner portion of the uterus, at its middle. This dividing septum is a fibrous and muscular band of tissue that can be thick or thin. 

It’s possible for a septate uterus to be misdiagnosed as a bicornuate uterus. A bicornuate uterus has a heart shape. In this condition, the top portion of the uterus, or fundus, dips in towards the midline of the uterus. This dip can range from shallow to deep. A bicornuate uterus does not typically affect a woman’s chances of successful pregnancies unless the dip is extreme. There are also rare cases of a bicornuate uterus and a septate uterus occurring together. 

How does a Septate Uterus affect pregnancy?

Women can have a normal reproductive life, but complications may arise during pregnancy.. The rate of miscarriage in the general population is around 10 to 20 percent in women who know they are pregnant. The estimated rate of miscarriage in women with septate uteris is between 20 to 25 percent. Some research shows it may be as high as forty percent.

It is believed to be the most common type of abnormal uterine development, with estimates suggesting that over half of developmental problems of the uterus involve a septum.

Women with a septate uterus have an increased risk of both miscarriage and recurrent miscarriage. Pregnancies that occur within a uterus with any type of abnormal development increase the risk for:

  • Premature labor
  • Breech Positions 
  • C-Section Delivery 
  • Bleeding complications after delivery

What are the symptoms?

  • unusual pain before or during a menstrual period.
  • a tampon may not prevent menstrual blood from leaking out.

What causes septate uterus?

  • A septate uterus forms during embryological development when the tubes that eventually become one uterus don’t fuse together properly.
  • Septate uterus is a genetic abnormality.

Does this symptom affect sexual and reproductive life?

  • It does not affect a woman’s sexual pleasure or fertility.
  • Women with a septate uterus can have a normal reproductive life, but it may add complications to pregnancy. 


A septate uterus often remains undiagnosed until a woman experiences repeated miscarriage. At other times, the doctor may stumble upon it during a routine physical exam. This is because a septate uterus is often accompanied by similar malformations of the cervix and vagina. Typically referred to as a “double cervix” and “double vagina,” these are often the first clues of a similar abnormality in the uterus.

 A standard 2-D pelvic ultrasound may reveal a septate uterus. An MRI can be a more accurate way to identify problems of the uterus. A definitive diagnosis may be required on a hysterosalpingogram (an X-ray procedure highlighting the uterus) and/or hysteroscopy (a visual examination using a lighted scope). Even with these examinations, a septate uterus can sometimes be misdiagnosed as a bicornuate uterus, also known as a “heart-shaped uterus.” While the malformation is by no means considered normal, it does not typically increase the risk of miscarriage.


Most commonly, treatment involves surgery to remove the septum during a hysteroscopy. This is a fairly minor procedure usually performed on an outpatient basis. The surgery, called metroplasty, is minimally invasive and involves the insertion of a medical device through the cervix and into the uterus to cut away excess tissue.
This usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes to perform. Afterward, healthcare providers may prescribe antibiotics and estrogen to prevent infection and aid in healing. Hysteroscopic metroplasty can improve chances of a successful pregnancy in women with recurrent pregnancy by 53.5 percent, according to a comprehensive analysis of 29 studies conducted from 1986 to 2011.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


Doctor holding a newborn baby immediately after delivery in a hospital.

Understanding the Most Critical Birth Complications

Childbirth is a profound moment that marks the arrival of a new life. While it is a time of joy and celebration for many, it can also present serious challenges and complications that require immediate and effective medical intervention. Knowing about the most critical birth complications can help expectant parents prepare for the unexpected and ensure the best possible care for both mother and child. This article delves into the “Most Critical Birth Complications” to provide you with essential knowledge and preparedness strategies.

1. Preeclampsia and Eclampsia

Preeclampsia is a condition characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, most often the liver and kidneys, during pregnancy. If not properly managed, preeclampsia can lead to eclampsia, a severe complication that causes convulsions and, potentially, both maternal and infant mortality. Immediate medical intervention to manage blood pressure and prevent seizures is critical.

2. Obstetric Hemorrhage

One of the leading causes of maternal mortality worldwide is obstetric hemorrhage, which is severe bleeding during or after labor and delivery. The most common reasons include placental abruption, placenta previa, and postpartum hemorrhage (excessive bleeding after the birth). Treatment often involves rapid blood transfusion and medications to promote clotting.

3. Uterine Rupture

Though rare, uterine rupture poses a severe risk during vaginal birth, especially in women with a history of cesarean delivery or uterine surgery. This complication occurs when the muscular wall of the uterus tears during childbirth, which can lead to massive internal bleeding and distress for the baby. Emergency surgical delivery is typically required.

4. Preterm Labor and Birth

Preterm labor is labor that begins before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Babies born prematurely may have significant health issues, including respiratory distress syndrome, cardiovascular complications, and long-term developmental delays. Management might include medications to delay birth, enhance fetal lung maturity, or both.

5. Infection

Infections can be a serious complication both during and after birth. These might include chorioamnionitis (infection of the placental tissues and amniotic fluid) and endometritis (infection of the uterine lining). Antibiotics are the mainstay of treatment, alongside supportive care as needed.

6. Perinatal Asphyxia

Perinatal asphyxia occurs when the baby does not receive enough oxygen before, during, or immediately after birth. This can lead to hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), which can cause neurological damage and other severe complications. Immediate resuscitation and supportive therapies in neonatal intensive care units are crucial.

Conclusion: Preparation and Immediate Response are Key

Understanding and preparing for these critical birth complications can significantly impact the outcomes for both mother and baby. Expectant parents should discuss potential risks with their healthcare providers and have a birth plan that includes protocols for handling emergencies.

Proper prenatal care, awareness of the signs and symptoms of complications, and having a skilled medical team can help manage these risks effectively. Remember, while some complications are unpredictable, early detection and intervention can often save lives and improve health outcomes for both mother and infant.


  1. World Health Organization (WHO) – Maternal and Perinatal Health
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Pregnancy Complications
  3. March of Dimes – Complications and Loss
  4. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) – Pregnancy and Birth


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

FALSE PREGNANCY (Pseudocyesis)

What is a False Pregnancy?

In this, women experience more pronounced symptoms of pregnancy including missed periods, a growing abdomen, and even baby kicks. False pregnancy is not only common in women, but men also experience it at times. They develop similar pregnancy symptoms like their partner, including weight gain, nausea, and backache, which is referred to as couvade or sympathetic pregnancy. But this isn’t related to a miscarriage. In a false pregnancy, there was no conception and there is no baby. Despite this, symptoms can last long enough to make a woman, and even those around her, believe she’s expecting.

In simple terms, pseudocyesis or false pregnancy is believing that you are pregnant when in reality you are not carrying a child. Pseudocyesis is the medical term for a false pregnancy or what some people refer to as a phantom pregnancy. People with pseudocyesis have many, if not all, symptoms of pregnancy, with the exception of an actual fetus. 

A woman’s intuition is a funny thing. Most women know they are pregnant before they are even far enough along to take a test.

How Common Is Pseudocyesis?

In the general population, pseudocyesis occurs in about 1-6 out of every 22,000 births.  Most instances of pseudocyesis occur in women of childbearing ages, between the ages of 20-44 years. Rarely, men experience “sympathetic pregnancy,” known as pseudocyesis. You can experience pseudocyesis more than once in your life.

What Causes False Pregnancy?

Pseudocyesis is extremely rare in both men and women and just recently doctors have begun to understand the psychological and physical root of pseudocyesis. Although the exact causes still aren’t known, doctors suspect the cause comes from trauma, either a physical or mental trauma, while others believe it is a chemical imbalance. In some cases, there are other medical conditions that may cause pregnancy symptoms to be experienced.

Here are some of the reasons a person might experience symptoms of pseudocyesis:

  • An intense desire to get pregnant after miscarriage or impending menopause and hormonal imbalance which causes pregnancy symptoms to appear.
  • Abdominal distention from other physical factors such as weight gain, gas, or tumors, in combination with psychological delusions of pregnancy, may cause a woman to believe she is pregnant
  • Other physical and hormonal factors such as pituitary tumors or ovarian/uterine cysts or growths along with a desire to become pregnant.
  • The woman’s brain then misinterprets those signals as pregnancy, and triggers the release of hormones (such as estrogen and prolactin) that lead to actual pregnancy symptoms.


  • Enlarged and tender breasts, changes in the nipples, and possibly milk production
  • Interruption of the menstrual period
  • Weight gain
  • Morning sickness and vomiting
  • Reduced appetite

Tests for False Pregnancy

Ultimately, the only way to know for sure if someone is experiencing pseudocyesis is to administer a pregnancy test or ultrasound. The most definitive test to check for pregnancy would be an ultrasound that checks for the presence or absence of a developing fetus. In a case of false pregnancy, your health professionals will not see any baby in the ultrasound, and there won’t be any heartbeat. 

If the absence of pregnancy is confirmed, but concerning physical symptoms linger, another testing might be administered to rule out other medical issues, such as hormonal imbalances or tumor growth. Certain medical conditions can mimic the symptoms of pregnancy, including ectopic pregnancy, morbid obesity, and cancer. health professionals conduct further tests to rule out these.

Treating False Pregnancy

Pregnancy, whether true or false, is an exciting time for an expectant mother. When women believe they are pregnant, especially for a period of several months, it can be very upsetting for them to learn that they are not. The grief that comes next may be intense.  In this case, they may need to be under the care of a psychiatrist or psychologist. In some cases, psychotropic drugs, in combination with psychotherapy, may be helpful.

Bottom line

It’s important to understand that pseudocyesis is a very complex issue. If you are caring for a loved one who has experienced pseudocyesis, it’s important to be gentle. Very often, pseudocyesis stems from the trauma of having lost a pregnancy or having experienced infertility. 

Pseudocyesis is treatable and can be resolved, but it may be painful for the person who is experiencing it as well as their loved ones. So be kind and also encourage your loved one to seek professional help when the situation warrants it. Most of all, remember that you are not alone, and with proper care, you will feel like yourself again before you know it.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


Rare Pregnancy Complications

Most pregnancies progress normally without complications while other pregnancies occur with rare complications that interfere with normal fetal development. These may be related to a genetic disorder, problems with the fetus’s chromosomes, or abnormal placental development. Sometimes, diseases or conditions the mother had before she became pregnant can lead to complications during pregnancy. Identical twin pregnancies can also be susceptible to issues related to the sharing of a single placenta and common blood vessels.

A few women experienced very unusual complications in pregnancy, sometimes with a risk of stillbirth. Even with complications, early detection and prenatal care can reduce any further risk to you and your baby.

7 of the rarest complications of pregnancy include:

Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction  (LUTO) is A rare birth defect in which the fetus has a blockage in the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the baby’s bladder and into the amniotic sac. LUTO is also known as bladder outlet obstruction.

Fetal Hydrothorax is when abnormal amounts of fluid from within the chest of a fetus. This fluid may be in the space between the lungs and the chest wall (pleural space) or within the core of the lung or chest masses. Fetal hydrothorax may also be referred to as a pleural effusion.

Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion (TRAP) is a rare condition of monochorionic twin pregnancies. It arises when the cardiac system of one twin does the work of supplying blood for both twins. The twin supplying the blood is known as the “pump twin” and develops normally in the womb.

Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)

is a rare pregnancy condition affecting identical twins or other multiples. TTTS occurs in pregnancies where twins share one placenta (afterbirth) and a network of blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients essential for development in the womb.

Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS)  is a rare but severe complication in identical twin pregnancies that share a single placenta (monochorionic). TAPS is caused by an imbalance in red blood cells exchanged between the twins through tiny placental blood circulations (anastomoses).

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia is a birth defect where there is a hole in the diaphragm (the large muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen). Organs in the abdomen (such as intestines, stomach, and liver) can move through the hole in the diaphragm and upwards into a baby’s chest.

Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction is a condition that can occur in some identical twin pregnancies. These pregnancies are known as monochorionic, which means the twins share a placenta (afterbirth) and a network of blood vessels.

Treatments and procedures during labor and delivery

Sometimes the vaginal opening does not stretch enough for the baby’s head. In this case, an episiotomy aids your healthcare provider in delivering your baby. An episiotomy makes the opening of the vagina a bit wider, allowing the baby to come through it more easily. Sometimes a woman’s perineum may tear as their baby comes out. In some births, an episiotomy can help to prevent a severe tear or speed up delivery if the baby needs to be born quickly. Normally, once the baby’s head is seen, your healthcare provider will ease your baby’s head and chin out of your vagina. Once the baby’s head is out, the shoulders and the rest of the body follow.

Doctors will perform a cesarean when the low-lying placenta partially or completely covers the cervix (placenta previa). A cesarean is also necessary when the placenta separates from the uterine lining, causing the baby to lose oxygen (placenta abruption). Health care providers use it when they believe it is safer for the mother, the baby, or both.

Fetal ultrasound is a regular test during pregnancy. It creates an image of the baby in the mother’s womb (uterus). It’s a safe way to check the health of an unborn baby. During a fetal ultrasound, the baby’s heart, head, and spine are evaluated, along with other parts of the baby. The test may be done either on the mother’s abdomen (transabdominal) or in the vagina (transvaginal).

Fetal heart rate monitoring

Fetal heart rate monitoring measures the heart rate and rhythm of your baby (fetus). This lets your healthcare provider see how your baby is doing. Fetal heart rate monitoring is especially helpful if you have a high-risk pregnancy and may be used to check how preterm labor medicines are affecting your baby. The average fetal heart rate is between 110 and 160 beats per minute. It can vary by 5 to 25 beats per minute. The fetal heart rate may change as your baby responds to conditions in your uterus. An abnormal fetal heart rate may mean that your baby is not getting enough oxygen or that there are other problems.

Most pregnant women with rare complications want to do everything right for their baby, including eating right, exercising regularly, and getting good prenatal care. If the complications you encountered in your pregnancy are causing your mood disorder, you may benefit from speaking with a reproductive psychiatrist that may also be trying to manage your psychiatric symptoms as you prepare to welcome your new baby. 


This website’s text, graphics, images, and materials are for informational use only.. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Consult a physician or healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Don’t ignore medical advice due to website content.



AMNIOTIC FLUID: What you need to know

What is amniotic fluid?

The Amniotic fluid is the fluid that surrounds your baby during pregnancy. It’s very important for your baby’s development. It is a clear, yellow fluid that is found within the first 12 days following conception within the amniotic sac. It is the protective liquid contained by the amniotic sac of a gravid amniote. This fluid serves as a cushion for the growing fetus but also serves to facilitate the exchange of nutrients, water, and biochemical products between mother and fetus. It also helps keep the umbilical cord floating freely so that it doesn’t squish between the baby and the side of your uterus.


  • At first, it consists of water from the mother’s body, but gradually, the larger proportion is made up of the baby’s urine.
  • It also contains vital components, such as nutrients, hormones, and infection-fighting antibodies and it helps protect the baby from bumps and injury.
  • If the levels of amniotic fluid levels are too low or too high, this can pose a problem.
  • When it is green or brown, this indicates that the baby has passed meconium before birth. Meconium is the name of the first bowel movement. Meconium in the fluid can be problematic. It can cause a breathing problem called meconium aspiration syndrome that occurs when the meconium enters the lungs. In some cases, babies will require treatment after they are born.

Amniotic fluid is responsible for:

  • Protecting the fetus: The fluid cushions the baby from outside pressures, acting as a protective function against external trauma or shock.
  • Temperature control: It helps maintain fetal temperature stable.
  • Protection and defense against infection. The amniotic fluid contains antibodies. 
  • Lung and digestive system development: It contributes to lung maturation by breathing and swallowing it, the baby practices using the muscles of these systems as they grow.
  • Muscle and bone development: It allows fetal musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and lung development.
  • Lubrication it prevents parts of the body such as the fingers and toes from growing together; webbing can occur if amniotic fluid levels are low. 
  • Umbilical cord support: Fluid in the uterus prevents the umbilical cord from being compressed. This cord transports food and oxygen from the placenta to the growing fetus.

How much amniotic fluid should there be?

Normally, the level of fluid is at its highest around 36 of pregnancy, measuring around 1 quart. This level decreases as birth nears. After that, the amount usually begins to decrease. Sometimes you can have too little or too much amniotic fluid. Having too little fluid is called oligohydramnios. Having too much fluid is called polyhydramnios. Either one can cause problems for a pregnant woman and her baby. Even with these conditions, though, most babies are born healthy. 

Oligohydramnios. Amniotic fluid deficiency. This condition is associates with complications, such as:

  • Early labor induction.
  • Low birthweight.
  • Fetal bradycardia during delivery.
  • It can even cause fetal death.

Polyhydramnios. An excess of amniotic fluid. This condition is associates with complications, especially maternal, such as:

  • Gestational diabetes.
  • Hypertension during pregnancy.

Sometimes, fluid leaks before the waters break. When the waters break, the amniotic sac tears. It is contained within the sac then begins to leak out via the cervix and vagina. Anyone who is concerned about leaking or levels of amniotic fluid during pregnancy should discuss this with their healthcare provider.

Therefore, Amniotic fluid has a very important role in the fetus’s development and well-being during pregnancy.  Any alteration can cause major damage. In addition, its prenatal study and analysis can detect congenital defects, such as chromosome disorders. This is performed through amniocentesis. However, this technique is also associated with major risks that the medical professional must evaluate before performing it on a patient.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


First Time Pregnancy: Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Having a child is the most precious, amazing, and scariest thing ever. The basic logic here is to be healthy and stay healthy for you and your baby. Here are some tips for you for a first-time pregnancy. These will help you get through your first time being pregnant with little worrying. Let’s face it, we’re women and we worry but don’t get so worked up, it will upset the baby. Good luck and congratulations.

Take Care of Yourself

The basic premise here is to be healthy and stay healthy for you and your baby.  Don’t smoke or be around secondhand smoking or be around heavy smokers. You should not drink either.  You should sleep and rest as much as possible because you will NEED it! If you’re not, start taking prenatal vitamins, with folic acid.  When you buy these, always make sure they contain folic acid. It is vital to your pregnancy. Taking care of yourself will ensure that you have a healthy baby growing inside of you.  Your baby’s neural cord turns into the brain and spinal cord, developing in the 1st month you’re pregnant. Therefore, essential vitamins and minerals are very important from day one.


Having a baby is rough both physically and mentally. Staying active is important for your general health and can help you reduce stress, control your weight, improve circulation, boost your mood, and sleep better. Low impact exercise can help ease back pain, increase circulation, and improve your mood. It will also strengthen your muscles and ligaments in preparation for labor. Take pregnancy exercise or walk at least 15-20 minutes every day at a moderate pace, in cool, shaded areas or indoors in order to prevent overheating. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Listen to your body, though, and don’t overdo it.

Take a Prenatal Vitamin

Even when you’re still trying to conceive, it’s smart to start taking prenatal vitamins. Within the first month of pregnancy, your baby’s neural cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, develops, so it’s important you get essential nutrients, like folic acid, calcium, and iron from the very start.

Eating Healthy

If you’re pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, you need to start taking care of yourself. Don’t smoke or be around secondhand smoke, don’t drink, and get your rest. You may drink 8-10 glasses of water each day, you should eat five or six well-balanced meals with plenty of folate-rich foods like fortified cereals, asparagus, lentils, wheat germ, oranges, and orange juice. Limit your caffeine during pregnancy since it can have harmful effects on you and the baby. Add fish to your diet since fish is high in omega 3s, a nutrient critical to brain development. There’s just one catch: Some kinds of fish contain mercury, which can be toxic to both babies and adults.

To be safe, the FDA recommends that pregnant women eat no more than 12 ounces of fish per week. Stick with canned light tuna, shrimp, salmon, pollack, or catfish. Avoid swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish, which are all high in mercury.

Track Your Weight Gain

During your pregnancy, it’s okay to gain weight, you’re eating for two, however, gaining too much weight can be unhealthy for you. If you don’t gain enough weight, your baby’s birth weight and health could be in jeopardy. You’re eating for two. But packing on too many extra pounds may make them hard to lose later.  

Here’s what the IOM recommends, based on a woman’s BMI (body mass index) before becoming pregnant with one baby:

– Underweight: Gain 28-40 pounds

– Normal weight: Gain 25-35 pounds

– Overweight: Gain 15-25 pounds

– Obese: Gain 11-20 pounds

Check-in with your doctor frequently to make sure you’re gaining at a healthy rate.

Eliminate Toxins

Avoid tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, and even solvents such as paint thinners and nail polish remover while pregnant because they are linked to birth defects, miscarriage, and other problems. Smoking cigarettes, for example, decreases oxygen flow to your baby; it’s linked to preterm birth and other complications. A doctor can offer advice and support, as well as refer you to a program that helps pregnant women stop smoking.

Make a Birth Plan

Being a mother begins during the birth of your baby. You want to make this moment special and safe. That is why making a birthing plan is essential. Do your own research online about your options before taking any advice from friends and family. This is your decision so you should have an unbiased view of the ways to give birth.

While a hospital birth is traditional, a rise in the use of midwives and even home births is occurring. The decisions to use an epidural, have a water birth, or a delayed cord clamping are just a few more.

Since it’s your first time being pregnant, it’s scary. As you progress in your pregnancy, more questions will pop up daily. To find more tips for first-time pregnancies visit online forums and mom’s groups to get anecdotal advice from moms who have been in your shoes.

If you don’t know what your pains are, call the doctor or talk to a  nurse in the office and ask them about the pains.  Enjoy your pregnancy!


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


Pregnant woman sitting on a lawn addressing pregnancy concerns, lovingly looking at her belly, surrounded by nature

Pregnancy concerns:


Pregnancy is a journey filled with anticipation, joy, and sometimes anxiety. One of the major pregnancy concerns that affects approximately one in four women is the possibility of experiencing a miscarriage, especially during the first pregnancy. The fear of miscarriage is particularly acute in the initial 13 weeks. However, it’s essential to understand that miscarriage often results from natural processes correcting developmental issues with the fetus. While losing a pregnancy is undoubtedly devastating, it’s important to maintain optimism, as the majority of pregnancies—three out of four—do not end in miscarriage.

Down’s Syndrome: Early Detection and Tests

Thanks to advances in medical science, expectant mothers have access to several tests for detecting Down’s syndrome early in the baby’s development. Follow-up tests may be necessary, but it’s crucial to remember that these are precautionary measures, and the likelihood is that your baby will be perfectly healthy.

Premature Labor: Understanding Viability and Outcomes

The concern of premature labor is one of the most common pregnancy concerns among pregnant women. The good news is that after 24 weeks, a fetus is considered viable outside the womb with medical assistance. While not ideal, premature birth, even as early as 32 weeks, often results in healthy babies who grow to lead full and vibrant lives. This is especially true for multiples, who tend to be born earlier.

Birth Defects: Managing Fears and Expectations

Many expectant mothers fear the possibility of birth defects. This anxiety is a normal part of the desire for a healthy child. However, nature is adept at ensuring the healthy development of most babies, who are born without any major issues.

Alcohol Consumption in Early Pregnancy

Discovering pregnancy six weeks in, possibly after a period of alcohol consumption, can cause worry. However, early-stage fetuses are resilient to such exposures. While it’s crucial to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider, there’s generally no need for undue stress.

Overcoming Pregnancy Concerns and overcoming it Confidence

While pregnancy can be an uncertain time, filled with new challenges and fears, it’s also a period of incredible transformation and growth. Remember, the journey of bringing a new life into the world, though unpredictable, is not as daunting as it may seem. Embrace each moment with confidence and seek support when needed.

For more detailed information and support, consider visiting:

Engaging with these resources can provide further assurance and guidance throughout your pregnancy journey.


This website’s content, including texts, graphics, images, and other materials, is for informational purposes only. Its goal is to foster a broad understanding and awareness of various health topics. It should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your physician or a qualified healthcare provider for any questions about a medical condition or treatment. Begin a new healthcare regimen only after consulting a healthcare provider, and never ignore professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information on this website.